
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Update on progress

Redesigned layout of installation. It will be a small space, roughly 3 feet by 4 feet. Will have wall paper consisting of pages from books dealing with anxiety disorders and phobias.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Diagram and Equipment

A list of equipment that I will need are:
A Camcorder
A small TV that can playback video
Walls, either drywall or other


For the BFA show, my piece will end up being mixed media. I intend on making it mostly an instillation. There will however be some two dimensional drawings throughout the piece on the walls. I will also have a video that the audience will be able to view if they choose to do so.

The main concept of my piece is to really draw into the audience's inner emotions. These emotions will most likely be fear or an overall sense of being disturbed. I am going to try to relate to feelings that everyone can relate to. There will also be a period at the end of my instillation in which the viewer can achieve a brief moment of peace.

The aesthetics of this piece is to throw the audience into an uncomfortable situation. It will make the viewer relate to other things that they may have experienced in life. The point is to "force" the audience into a frightening space. They then must get uncomfortably close to a disturbing object in order to see a soothing image. This comes from the old belief that before things can get better, they must get worse.

The final format of this piece will be in the shape of a small room. The room will be made walls and curtains. A small six foot long hallway will lead into  small six foot long room. The room will have various objects in it to promote uncomfortable feelings. The room will be illuminated by red lights, while the hallway will be completely dark.